Staying on Track During Vacation

You look forward to it all year. Save up money. Go out and buy new clothes. Even push yourself a little bit harder in the gym. Yes, everyone loves vacation, and why wouldn’t they? You get time off from work, can sleep in until whenever you want, and get some much needed stress relief. It sounds great and it is! But what about the minority of people who train year round, watch their diets carefully, and need structure in their lives? Well if this describes you, here are a few tips to keep you on track while also enjoying yourself on vacation.

Plan Ahead

This may seem like an obvious statement, but you’d be surprised how many people get caught up in the excitement of an impending vacation and throw all caution to the wind. If you are serious about your physique then it is imperative that you make accommodations to help you while you’re away. Simple things like making sure your hotel room has a microwave or that there is a grocery store (or small market) close by can pay huge dividends when trying to keep your diet in check. Also, pre-screening the hotel’s fitness center or gyms in the area is probably a good idea if you plan to get some training in as well. You don’t want to end up with a mirror filled room consisting of three bosu balls and some pink dumbbells.

Develop a Schedule

If you are anything like me, not having a schedule or structure will drive you insane and can easily lead to making poor decisions. It is very doable to create an itinerary of what you want to do on your trip while also fitting in times for meals, training, and most of all sleep. I can guarantee that nobody is constantly busy for the duration of his/her whole vacation so the “I have no time!” excuse really isn’t an excuse at all. Remember, if it’s important to you and you’re serious, you can get it done.

Maintain a Support System

This is by far the most important aspect of sticking to any diet or training program. The company you keep has the potential to either positively influence your decisions or be a detriment to your goals. By having a friend or partner who is aware of these goals, they can then become someone who not only aids you in staying on track but also will hold you accountable when you screw up. So surround yourself with people you trust (and honestly you’re probably not vacationing with individuals whom you dislike anyway) and allow them to help you.

Have Fun

After having said all of that, in the end what is the point of a vacation if you’re not enjoying yourself? It’s great to be structured with your diet and not miss a training day, but if your stress levels are higher than that of your enjoyment then you should really reevaluate your priorities (the exception to this is if you are in the middle of a prep for a meet or competition for serious trainees). So stay in control, keep your sanity, and enjoy your break!