Diets do not work, but here is what does!

Diets do not work, but here is what does!

Diets are set up to cause failure, and that is just the way they are! However, there are ways to make a better lifestyle by changing just a few things each day. If you want to take small steps to get bigger results, this blog is for you!

Mindset - Whether you think you can or you can’t: You’re right!

Mindset - Whether you think you can or you can’t: You’re right!

If you think you can’t lose weight, you won’t. If you think working out isn’t for you, then you will never enjoy it. The fact is, every person has the ability to choose how fit and happy they are in life. How you think about food, training and everything else in your life determines the results you receive.

How you think about things is called your Mindset.

Top 3 indicators of great training for fitness

Top 3 indicators of great training for fitness

There are a number of metrics that people use to define their workouts, Pain and Sweat being the top two metrics. However are those the best ones to use? The short answer is no, they are not! Pain is your bodies way of telling you something is wrong, and sweat can be achieved without little effort. It is time to look for better indicators than those two and a good place to start are the three outlined in this blog!

Stress and your High School Athlete

Stress and your High School Athlete

Working out with Stress can be the best way to control your levels of stress. Knowing when your athletes need a little bit of extra help overcoming stress can help you become a better coach! Learn how below!

It Just Comes Down to Your Health

It Just Comes Down to Your Health

As a parent, many of you know all we want is to be there for our children. We want to be able to comfort them when they are down, celebrate with them when they win, and laugh at past memories. My dad loved his family very much and he would do whatever it took to make sure we not only had what we needed, but we also had a lot of what we wanted.

Champion's Mindset

Champion's Mindset

The ability to focus during a game directly correlates to the athletes mindset towards the activity. Webster's dictionary defines mindset as “the established set of attitudes held by someone.” For competitive athletes we have to take that one step further, not only is mindset the attitudes held by the athlete toward a game, but their sport in general AND the attitudes toward training for that particular sport.