Tips for success with your health and fitness journey

Congratulations, you have just enrolled in your first session at The Spot Athletics! This is a huge step toward your health and fitness goals and you could not have picked a better place. Our staff has something most other gyms do not offer, passion. At other gyms, trainers give you a workout and they take a paycheck. At the Spot Athletics we want to help shape your life around your health and fitness goals. Now, joining a new gym can be intimidating, and rightfully so but, here are a few tips to help get you in the right mindset to begin your journey.

Progress takes time.
This is the biggest misconception in the fitness industry. It has become so common to hear “results in 26 seconds or your money back” or “results after just 1 step into our gym”. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS! Progress takes time, there is no way around that. I am going to be honest, one super intense training session is not that important.

Think of it like this, you go in every Monday and train yourself stupid. I’m talking you do the foam rolling and the squatting and the bench press and an hour of cardio and you crawl out of the gym, that’s only 52 training sessions in a year.

Now, let’s say you do some resistance training twice a week, a large group class once a week, and you go on a bike ride/swim/walk twice a week. That is five training sessions a week or 260 training sessions a year. Which do you think you will make more progress?

Get some Sleep
This is where most people get themselves into trouble. Training is just one aspect of your health and fitness goals. Getting enough sleep is the most important part of being healthy. Most people only get about 5-6 hours of sleep a night and that is not enough. Sleep is your body’s time to recharge
and keep all of its systems running well.

Some tips for maximizing sleep are:
- no cellphones before bed. Read a book instead. The blue light from your cell phone disrupts
your REM sleep.
- keep it cold, 68 degrees is the optimal sleeping temperature
- Pick a bedtime and wake up time that are at least 7 hours. This will help get you into a routine and make it easier to fall asleep and wake up.

No matter what, keep going forward.

No matter what part of your fitness journey, there will be set backs. This is just a fact of life. While setbacks will happen, it is unacceptable to give up. At time it will be difficult, but you have to keep going forward. There will be times when you do not want to go train, but you need to. There will be Birthdays, Holidays, Vacations, and you should enjoy yourself but always stay grounded to your health and fitness goals.

Training is not easy, and it shouldn’t be. There are many miles to traverse to reach the top of your mountain but, you don’t have to do it alone. We are here to guide you every step of the way. Welcome to The Spot Athletics.