t is my goal to help people like you to enjoy riding their bike pain-free! My approach is to educate and empower athletes through the use of sustainable solutions - Together we can reach the finish line! If you are training for a cycling event, I would be happy to help you out.
Training vs. Working Out - Know the Difference
Transformational versus Transactional Leadership: Why Young Athletes May Need a Bit of Both
The main goal of transformational leadership is to create a self-sustaining system of individuals. It aims to empower and inspire confidence. Transformational leaders utilize the concept of idealized influence by acting as appropriate role models, following a core set of ethical values, and leading by example through embodiment of their personal beliefs
Bring Out the Best: One Implementable Quality Each for Athletes and Coaches
First, let me give attention to the athletes. You want to be the best athlete that you can be? Great, because we coaches want you to be that, too. You’re probably wondering what sort of magic methods I’m going to share about getting faster or stronger, what tips I can give to make you stand out among your teammates. Well, you’re in luck, because I’m going to share with you the one thing that will make you stand well above everyone else:
BIG AIR: The Belly Breathing Kind
Research suggests there is a major connection between those who suffer from non-specific chronic low back pain and the ability to breathe properly. This relationship becomes a constant cycle—weakened core muscles and therefore the inability to stabilize the trunk (specifically the lumbar spine), which causes a dysfunction of the diaphragm and results in chronic low back pain.